Thursday, June 25, 2009


My kids and I decided to come to Utah for 6 weeks this summer. We didn't want to put up with the 95 degree - 100% humidity in Bama this year! We traded it for rainy, cooler weather and have loved it! We have been having a blast so far with family and friends. Here are a few of the things we have been doing....

We went to the Living Planet Aquarium in SLC with Grammy Topham and our cousin Adam.

Kobe and Adam played with the sting rays until their shirts were all wet!

We went to Hogle Zoo with Grammy Topham, Tara, Tilese and all our kids. We stayed for about 5 hours and had a lot of fun.

Sorry about all the extra space at the end of this blog. Can't figure out how it happened, nor do I want to try and figure it out. I am tired and want to go to bed!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Kyle!!!

Today, Kyle would of turned 5! We can't believe it was 5 years ago that we lost our little guy. Right after we lost Kyle, a lot of people told us the only thing that will heal your heart is time. It is so true. We miss Kyle everyday, but it has gotten easier with each year that has passed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE!!!! We miss you and love you very much!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Better Late Than Never

So I know Mother's Day was last month, but I am finally getting around to posting the pictures. It was one of my favorite mother's day ever. We headed down to Panama City, Florida to go to the beach for the weekend. It was going to be just for the day on Saturday, but while we were there we didn't want to leave and decided to stay the night and play again on Sunday. I am glad we did because it was a lot of fun. On Saturday we just hung out at the beach all day until around 6pm. We then went out to dinner at Pier Park which is a huge outdoor shopping and eating joint. We then walked around, ate ice cream, and "people watched". I love to "people watch"! We then went to our hotel that was at an Air Force Base and crashed (We can get rooms for way cheap on any base around the world!). Sunday morning, Ryan and Kobe got up to go see if there was somewhere to get me breakfast for Mother's Day. When they came back Ryan had a handful of papers and a look on his face that said, "Are you ready for this"! While they were heading out to the car Ryan saw a marina down the road so they went down to check it out. It was the outdoor recreation center on base. They had boats, pontoons, kayaks, canoes, and jet ski's to rent. Ryan asked if we could rent a boat for the day. We could if Ryan had a boating license for Florida. Ryan did not have a license for Florida, but now he does! He came back to our room with the Florida boating license test. Two hours later he had a boating license. We wanted to rent a speed boat, but by the time we got out there they were all gone. So we decided to rent a 10 man pontoon! They handed us the keys, gave us the rundown on running the pontoon, and said have fun! So we loaded all of us and our stuff on to the boat and we were off to explore the ocean on our 10 man pontoon!

Oakley ready to go swim in the ocean

Kobe trying to catch some waves

Ryan and Oakley swimming

Kobe was quite excited to be at the beach

The water was a little chilly

This is where we road our boat out to. It was beautiful! The water was crystal clear and warm. We anchored our boat and stayed for a few hours and swam around. If anyone visits this same place anytime soon and you see something in the water that looks like a Babe Ruth, well it's not! Ask Oakley what we mean! When nature calls, nature calls!

Captain Oakley

Mya's first boat ride at 3 weeks old! I think she liked it. She slept almost the whole time!

On our way back to the dock the waves were getting pretty big. It's not that easy to maneuver a 10 man pontoon through some good size waves. We ended up with waves coming into our boat three different times! It was crazy and a little scary. The first time it happened Oakley would of gone overboard if I wasn't holding onto her life jacket, Kobe was laughing hysterically, Mya was sound asleep in her car seat (luckily with it covered), I was panicking, and Ryan had a big grin on his face! Everything in our boat got completely drenched including ourselves. Thanks to these waves, my camera is no longer working, my cell phone won't charge, and Ryan's IPOD is fried! If you look at the floor of the boat in the picture, you will see some of the water that is still in the boat.

Oakley waking up from her nap

Thanks Ry, Kobe, Oakley, and Mya for an awesome Mother's Day!