Friday, August 8, 2008

Be Careful!!!!!

Panama City Beach Warning Flags:


Beach Warning Flags HIGH HAZARD - High Surf and/or Strong Currents

Beach Warning Flags
- Moderate Surf and/or Strong Currents

Beach Warning FlagsLOW HAZARD - Calm Condition, Exercise Caution


Last Wednesday, My Mom, Kobe, Oakley, Andrew (my nephew), and myself went down to Panama City beach for a few days. Unfortunately, we witnessed 2 people drown. It is something I never want to see again. There were 2 red flags flying, which means water closed to the public. We did not know that and we were in the water like the other people at the beach. When there are 2 red flags that means there are strong rip currents and it is not safe at all to be in the water. Just a warning-check the flags when you go to the beach!!!!!
The 2 that drowned was a 54 year old male and a 43 year old female that were engaged. The ladies daughter who is 15 was on the beach waiting for them to come back in from swimming. We had to stay around after it happened and be witnesses for the police. Also, something I never want to do again.
I really wish that Kobe, Andrew, and Oakley didn't have to see it. The next day we were over at our neighbors when Ryan saw Kobe trying to give their dog CPR! Later that night I asked Kobe what he was doing to Coco(the dog). Kobe said that Coco looked sleepy and needed help. Needless to say, we had a good little talk about all that happened.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Backyard

When we built our house, our builder landscaped only half of our backyard
and then fenced it in.
It was pretty much a ski slope in the back to where the fence was.
We never used the backyard for this reason
and the kids were only playing in the street in the front
(we live on a cul-de-sac, not sure if that is spelled right)
So we decided to finish landscaping the backyard.
It took us about a week and a half.
It was well worth all the work and money!!!!
The kids love it and now they are not playing in the street.

If you look really close you will see the play set down at the bottom.
I guess we wanted the kids to get some exercise by walking back and forth to the play set.
In the South during July it is REALLY HOT AND HUMID.
By the time the kids come back up to the house they are profusely sweating.
Poor Oakley sweats like her mama
and looks like she just got out of the shower when she comes in.

It takes me a good 4 freakin hours to mow and edge the front and back lawn
Not fun.

4th of July

We decided to go to the beach again for the 4th.
We went back down to Panama City.
It was really crowded, but we still had fun.

This is Pier Park.
It is a new outdoor shopping/restaurant/movie theater development.
It was huge. There are beach volleyball courts
and train rides for kids through out the whole place.

They did the firework show off the pier that is at the end of the development.
It was amazing.

Kobe playing in the volleyball court after the fireworks

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Panama City Beach

In June we went down to the beach for the weekend.
It was one of our favorite trips down there so far.
The weather was beautiful.
The water was crystal clear.
We caught tons of hermit crabs and a few jelly fish.
We put them in some buckets with water on the beach
and the kids seriously played with the buckets for several hours.

Oakley wanted us to keep burying her over and over.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Fort Walton Beach, Florida

In May, Ryan's parents and Kobe's cousin Adam came to visit it us.
We headed down to the beach for a few days and had a lot of fun.

Grandma and Grandpa were nice enough to let us stay at this place

Grandma and Oakley hanging out at the kiddy pool.

Kobe, Adam, and Micah in the Lazy River.

The boys wanted a tattoo really bad.
I didn't get a picture of Oakley, but she had to get one too.
It was funny because she sat totally still in the
chair when the lady was putting it on her.
After it was on she wanted to show everyone.

This is the beach in front of our condo.


Ryan doesn't have the best of luck.
He was helping our friend clear out trees in a backyard
when he slipped on a log and landed on his shin.
Just because it is Ryan, he landed on his leg that
was already damaged from getting hit by a
car when he was 16.
Needless to say, he is doing physical therapy right now and is not able to fly.
He lost the ability to move his foot up and down
and is slowly getting it back to where it needs to be to be able to fly.

This was a day or two after it happened.

A Few days later came the bruising.

This is when it got infected!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rain Storm

It can be a clear blue day here in Bama and then out of know where it will be a down pour. It gets very humid when it rains like this in the summer. So the kids like to go out and play in the rain because it feels so warm.

More Random Shots

Oakley was trying to wake Kobe up one morning. Kobe is like his mama and is not happy in the mornings. With that being said, it did not go over so well with the Kobsters.

Kobe and is love for his DS.

Oakley and her love for books.

Oakley's new fetish......Kobe's underwear!


Daddy Daughter Time

One Saturday I needed to go to Dothan (The closest "BIG" has a Target, Old Navy, TJMaxx, and Sam's Club.....that's about all!)
Oakley wasn't feeling well so I left her home with Ryan and took Kobe with me.
When I got home Ryan had taken these pictures of Oakley. In about 15 minutes this is what she did.

She started out in the bathroom with a box of kleenex to take care of her runny nose.

Next she went to her room and emptied out her blanket drawer for her babies

Next she went to our room and got into Ryan's "off limits Oakley drawer".
When are men going to learn that there is no such thing as off limit drawers with a toddler in the house?

Next Oakley went back to her room. She got her coloring books, crayons, and a few board games out.

Then she went back into our bathroom to clean our shower

After this Ryan said he put her down for a nap so he could get something done! I just laughed.

Kite Runner

Each time Ryan goes to Iraq he tends to find time to start a new hobby.
His first time over there it was RC cars. I'm talking the bigger boy ones.
His second time over there it was the kites.
When he first told me he was going to buy a kite I was like are you serious?
I was thinking in my mind a nicer one from Target or something.
Boy was I wrong!
It was the big boy version
The ones that lift you up into the air with some good wind.
I thought he was loosing his mind but you can't argue with a man that is at war so I just went with it.
All I have to say is don't dis on the big boy kites until you have tried flying one.
They provide hours of entertainment!

Oaks wanted in on the action

Random Pictures

This is Oakley entertaining herself in Alabama. Not a whole lot to do back here!

Oakley was getting confused with all the different church's back here in the South. So she decided to start one of her own-- The reformed Mormon Buddhist Church!

Ryan's new baby.
Ryan got a new
I got a new cannondale road bike.....
Is that fair? Just kidding Ryan

The kids at the local fishing pond. Oakley thought it was fun to hold the fish and squeeze!

Saturday mornings around here!
Here they finally are......

This is Ryan suited up to cut down a tree in our backyard that had a huge beehive inside the trunk.
He really didn't want to get stung------can you tell?

Kobe and Oakley decorating Easter eggs.

Oakley loves to get in the car and play. She will only do it if I put her in there, shut the door, and go back in the house. After I put her in she says, "Bye mommy, shut door!"

Oakley did this pose all on her own. She saw that I had the camera went and laid down and smiled!

Another one of Oakley's favorite things. The sink! She will spend hours here.

Kobe and Daxton after their soccer game.

Ryan's birthday party. Wow, was it a party!