.......The next night more returned.............the watch started again............Ryan woke up every hour for several nights trying to get the thing..........didn't happen...........Ryan got very tired.........Ryan doesn't do well without his beauty sleep............Ryan bought an armadillo trap sold at Lowe's............Ryan put a fence screen along our backyard that lines the woods which funnels to the trap...........haven't seen any armadillos since...........but our neighbor a few doors down has seen them!

Our friends next door didn't think that we would be able to ever catch and kill an armadillo. Little did they know that you never tell Ryan he can't do something. So after the killing took place, we kindly put the creature on the driveway for them to see when they got home from a movie. The next morning the armadillo was on top of our mailbox. Ryan then decided a proper burial place would be our garbage can. In Alabama, if you have a dead animal in your garbage can mixed with humidity and garbage day 3 days away-------It STINKS really really bad.