This is Oakley and Gage at our UFC fight night. They decided that they liked sitting up on the table eating the snacks rather than watching the fights. Plus, Oakley rarely passes up an opportunity to eat food.

I love the next two pictures. Oakley looked out the window one day and saw all the kids out playing on the play set. She HAD to go out too. She was so excited to go out that she wouldn't go to the bathroom before she went out. I knew it was an accident waiting to happen. We gave in and let her go out. A few minutes later she came walking up with wet pants. So we changed her and dressed her again. The first picture is her walking back down to the play set in outfit #2. The second picture is of Oakley and her cousin Cody running to hug each other. They are so funny together. They get so excited every time they see each other even if they haven't seen each other for the amount of time it takes to change an outfit that had been peed in!

This is Oakley dressed up in her princess outfit.