Sunday, December 14, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

We found out on Thursday that we are having another girl! Oakley is excited, Kobe not so much. He was counting on a brother. He told me that if our next baby is a girl again that he was really not going to be happy. I told him that he may not have to worry about that because there might not be another baby after this one! Ryan is DONE with me being pregnant and I feel the same way!


Heidi Louise said...

Congratulations you guys! I am so excited for you. I think Heidi Louise is a great name. I'm just putting it out there. LOL

But really congrats... love you all!

Autumn said...

yeah for babies. Actually after the water birth you are seriously brave. Congrats on the girl. Just tell Kobe he can come live at our house.

Jess said...

I LOVE GIRLS!!! (I don't know any different though) Congrats. I am still waiting for that phone call!