Here is Oakley making friends with a black bear! The claws on that paw were huge. Ry and I got a little nervous when the bear had a good hold of Oakley's leg.

Mike had just built the coolest cage for this brown bear.
Gage shaking hands with a bob cat.

This cougar was seriously smiling for the camera. As soon as he would see a camera this is what he did.

A Siberian Tiger

Kobe checking out the 2 month old baby tiger. This tiger was living with Mike in his house up until a week before we were there.

This is a picture of an actual Liger, a tiger and lion mix. It's not a very good picture of the Liger, but what I wanted people to see is what is in the cage. Those are the remains of a deer that the Liger had been munching on all morning. Mike said that some hunters dropped off a few deer last night to give to the animals to eat. It was nasty, but amazing at what little was left. Mike said that the whole thing will be gone by the end of the day!

When we first got to this cage of tigers, they were laying on the ground not paying any attention to us. Mike had Connor, my nephew, run back and forth as fast as he could right in front of the fence. In no time this tiger was up chasing Connor as he ran back and forth. Mike said that is their natural instinct to chase what ever is running by them. So if you ever find yourself with a tiger, don't try to run away, you will lose.

Here is a picture of the Liger.

This is a female spider monkey. Mike had a bag a chips in his hands and offered one to the monkey. She willingly took it. Then Mike gave the whole bag to the monkey. He then tried to get the bag back. As soon as his hand was reached out in front of her, she would freak out and scream. Mike said, "That's a female for ya!"

Where is this critter zoo? I think my kids would love that.
It looks like you had a great Christmas. Where is that critter zoo? It looks fun?
Looks like I kind of suck as your friend since I haven't looked at your blog in a SERIOUSLY LONG TIME!
Mikes, I can't believe how big Oakley is getting. Holy Cow! Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun, and that life is treating you well in Alabama. Not fair that it's warm and I am FREEZING here in Utah. Miss you!
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