Anywho, Mya is doing well. Last week at her 2 week appointment she was 8lbs 4oz. She has been an easy baby so far (knock on wood). She is still sleeping most of the day and will sleep between 5-7 hours at night! She knows that her mama doesn't do well with little sleep!

Kobe and Oakley are loving their new sister. They are both the best helpers. Oakley "helps" me change Mya's diaper EVERY time and Kobe has been so good with entertaining Oakley while I'm busy with Mya.

Oakley is always wanting Kobe to take a bath with her. Kobe is so cute with her. Ever since I had Mya he has taken it upon himself to wash her hair and help her wash her body. They will play in there for as long as I will let them. Kobe will get out and get their towels and help Oakley dry off. She loves ever second of her brothers attention.

Mya trying on her new shoes

Hooray for breaking Ry's RULE!!!! We love seeing new pics of Mya even if they aren't "perfect" :) Love you guys!
I love Oakley's jammies and look at Mya's dark hair! I always wanted a big brother...lucky girls.
I love unretouched pics of kiddos! Keep breaking the rules! Kids are unpredictable and yours are beautiful! They all look so happy together. And what's up with the dark hair? Is it really that dark or is it just the pics?
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