We started the day with the Kaysville Parade.

Do you think their having fun yet?

Do you think their having fun yet?

Mya's 1st parade

After the parade we went swimming up at Oakridge. It was really crowded, but fun. The kids got to dive for money at the bottom of the pool and scored big!

Mya was lovin the water
Jayden doing a tribute to the late Michael Jackson.

After the parade we went swimming up at Oakridge. It was really crowded, but fun. The kids got to dive for money at the bottom of the pool and scored big!

Mya was lovin the water
Jayden doing a tribute to the late Michael Jackson.
After a BBQ at my mom and dad's we walked over to the best snow cone shack ever. It is in the parking lot of the old Kmart. If you haven't been you need to go! If your lucky you can get the flavor called Silver Fox, but usually it is sold out.
Mollie and Mya waiting for the fireworks. We were able to watch the Oakridge fireworks from my parents backyard. It was nice not having to go fight the crowds up at the high school.

We were all happy that the Physic Ward let Sunee be with us even if it was only for a few hours! Thanks to all the staff that escorted her to and from the hospital. We can't wait until she is "ready" to be with us again!
It looks like you are having a great time. You look great and your kids are adorable.
Hey!!! My number is 801-546-3977...would love to see you if you have time:)
You are freakin hilarious. I'll let this one slide because I know you feel bad about eating the whole pan of texas sheet cake that day. So much for your "diet"
Micah! I'm so sad that I'm just BARELY checking out your blog! I bet you're not in Utah anymore and I would have loved to have seen you. But, I'm glad you're blogging so I can see what you're up to. You're family is so cute and you look fantastic. I really wish I could see you!
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