Friday, October 24, 2008

Oakley's 2nd Birthday!

We had an Elmo party for Oakley with some of the neighbor kids.
Grammy Hammond was even able to be here for the party!
Oakley loved having her here!

Oakley holding onto her Elmo pinata.

Oakley riding her new Jeep. She loves this thing!

Oakley thanking Daxton for her birthday present.

Grammy Topham saved the day with this present!
We call this Oakley's "DS". Every time Kobe had his DS out Oakley
would freak out until it was in her hands.
So now she will go get her DS when Kobe has his.

Oakley giving her new Kitty a hug.


scott and tara said...

Happy Birthday Late Oakley! I can't believe how big she is and how old she looks! Sorry we missed her special day. Hope you guys are all doing well!

Brianne said...

She is absolutely beautiful! I can't believe she is 2.

Are you coming in town for the Holidays?

hill family said...

She looks just like you. What a little sweetheart.

Jess said...

What a cutie pie! She looks just like you!

James & Heidi said...

Oh she's really cute Micah! I haven't seen her since she was a baby. How do you like Alabama?