Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mya Rylee Topham

Mya was born April 16th at 9:00 am. She weighed 7lbs 13 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Luckily, the delivery was short and sweet. When we went into the hospital I was already almost a 5. The nurses started the patossin at 6am. My doctor broke my water at 7am and was still at about a 5. I got my epideral at 8:15am. While I was getting the epideral I started having some strong contractions and alot of pressure. When they were done with the epideral my nurse checked me and I was already at an 8! Not even 5 minutes later I felt like I needed to push. My nurse checked me again and I was ready to go! She paged my doctor and said it was time and to hurry. It took 2 pushes and she was out! We love having her here finally!

We all couldn't believe what we saw when she came out. The cord was not only wrapped around her neck there was a knot in the cord! This is what we were trying to avoid from happening again. We were just happy that we decided to have Mya when we did and that everything was ok with her. We have been blessed to have a healthy baby.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Baby Update #2

Well my doctor decided to change my induction date once again to this Thursday the 16th! He decided to change it last Thursday while I was at my weekly check up. Let's just say I thought we were about to do round two in losing another baby. Too many things were starting to happen with this baby that happened with losing our second baby. We did an ultrasound to check to see if she would be ready to come out then. Everything looked good and she was even measuring at 7lbs already. So for my state of mind and my doctors we decided to induce me on the 16th. My doctor has been so nice and understanding. Him and his wife had the same experience as we did so he has been so good about everything. He was going out of town this weekend for Easter so he gave me his cell phone number just in case I needed to get a hold of him. We will let everyone know how Thursday goes!!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baby Update

I went to the doctor last Tuesday for my normal check up. I was 35 weeks at the time, but he wanted to check to see if I had started to dilate yet. I have been going into the hospital twice a week for the last few weeks to do stress tests on the baby. He has me doing this since we lost our second at 38 weeks. It is just to make sure the baby is ok leading into these last few weeks. Each time I have gone to do the stress test I have been having contractions the whole time I am there. I told the nurses that I start having contractions regularly the last month or so of my pregnancies. The nurses tend to freak out and call my doctor every time and ask if they should give me a shot to stop them. So needless to say, my doctor wanted to check me to see if the contractions were doing anything. To my amazment I was already dilated to a 3. I never have dilated this early before. My doctor changed my due date to the 24th of this month (Ryan's birthday!). But he doesn't think that I will make it that far. He said that if I go into labor he won't try to stop it. That was music to my ears! GAME ON!!! I decided that this weekend was the perfect weekend to redue all my flower beds. I tore everything out, tilled the dirt, planted all new things, and layed down rubber mulch. It took two good days and looks alot better (I will post some pictures soon)! But no labor. I thought for sure that would do it. All it did was make every muscle in my body sore and making my 20 bathroom runs during the night really painful! I've got to figure something else out for this week. If anyone has any ideas let me know!